Meet Our Students
Raina Bandekar '23
Hi! My name is Raina Bandekar and I am a senior at Germantown Academy. 当我14年前加入GA社区时,我知道这是一个我感到受到老师和朋友欢迎和支持的地方, 在这里,我有能力探索各种各样的兴趣.
我是GA独立科学研究项目的热心参与者,并发现这个项目是塑造我未来在科学领域的学术努力的一个不可或缺的方面,无论是作为一名研究人员还是一名有抱负的医生. In addition, 我在GA的学术生涯中最有意义的一些方面是担任写作中心顾问和高中辅导项目的学生导师.
GA还举办了许多课外活动,这些活动奠定了我作为学生的基础. 在过去的两年里,我有幸担任演讲和辩论社以及GA社区服务组织的负责人, 这两个角色让我成长为一个热心的公众演说家和社会倡导者. 在GA期间,我作为长笛手参加了学校乐队和赛艇队,这让我在课堂之外获得了独特的团队纽带和友谊.
I will always be thankful for my teachers, peers, and mentors at GA for fostering an environment of learning, creativity, and collaboration that has shaped me into the person I am today.
Aisosa Idahosa '23
Hi! My name is Aisosa Idahosa and I’m a senior at Germantown Academy. I came to GA in 9th grade, 从那以后,我一直很高兴能成为这样一个优秀学生团体的一员. GA has both encouraged me, 这条道路使我能够追求各种各样的兴趣.
在课外活动中,我在学校的Crew团队中发现了一个不可思议的、紧密联系的社区. I look forward to rowing on the river everyday, 通过这项运动,我结交了一些最亲密的朋友. Additionally, as a captain of our Speech and Debate Team, 我学会了重要的领导技能,成为了一名热心的公众演说家. My event, Oral Interpretation, is pretty niche, and through it, 我已经能够将演讲的戏剧性和辩论性结合起来.
I’ve always been a creative person, and through GA’s unique Academy Scholars Program, 我已经能够追求一个重要的独立结合艺术和研究项目关于黑人艺术运动和交叉女权主义. Through this, I have not only been able to pursue a cause that I am passionate about, but also further my artistic endeavors.
As I prepare to leave GA for college, 我知道当我回首在这里的时光时,会觉得这是我一生中最美好的时光. GA has made it easy to both enjoy my life in the moment, while also preparing me for college and beyond.
Sam Wang '23
Hi! I’m Sam Wang, and I’m a senior. 我在三年级时加入了vwin德赢娱乐,从那时起就很享受成为这样一个神奇社区的一部分.
我在GA上过的最喜欢的课程之一是计算机科学高级主题. 这门以项目为基础的课程让我有机会将我在以前的课程中学到的计算机科学技能应用于解决社区问题. 我一直在做一个项目,将目前的迟到和校外签到流程数字化,以简化学生和管理人员的流程.
At Germantown Academy, 还有很多不同的有趣的活动,学生可以参加. I enjoyed being able to participate in a variety of activities, including Student Government, Cross Country, Robotics, and the school newspaper.
The community is my favorite part of GA. When I first arrived, I was shy and didn’t know anyone. The support I received from the community helped me find my voice. GA's unique teaching style, from the small class sizes to Harkness tables, 培养了一个热情的社区,让我从一个胆小的男孩成长为一个喜欢为他人辩护的学生领袖.
Michael H. '30
Hi, I’m Michael, and I am in the 5th Grade. 我在幼儿园来到GA,很快就受到了亲切的老师和同学们的欢迎. 我最喜欢GA的一点是学生可以参加的活动的多样性. 你可以参加午餐和课间俱乐部,专门从事各种不同的类别. I have participated in clubs like SGA or Student Government Association, in which you can help GA become a better community and place to learn. Also, at GA you can learn things in fun and creative ways. For example, in science, we get to work with fun materials like dry ice and liquid nitrogen, and we can also do fun experiments. 老师们想出了一些有趣的项目,帮助我们用我们真正想做的事情来学习.
But probably my favorite thing at GA is the community. 当我第一次来到这里的幼儿园时,社区立即帮助我找到了自己的声音. They inspired me to make friends and included me in their activities. 他们帮助我适应了这个社区,我非常感谢GA的社区. 他们帮助我适应了这个新环境,并享受了学校,我非常喜欢.
Joseph Richards '23
Hello! My name is Joseph Richards and I am a senior at Germantown Academy. I joined the GA community in second grade, where I felt an instant connection with the welcoming student body. GA became my personal “home away from home,” where I was supported and encouraged to pursue my vast interests.
GA provided me with the opportunity to serve as a Prefect and SGA Senator, two leadership positions that have shaped my amiable character to this day. 作为校报《vwin德赢娱乐》的总编辑和STEM俱乐部的负责人, I was able to pursue my disparate passions of journalism and science.
Regarding academics, GA通过提供大量选修课来支持我对科学的热情, including Organic Chemistry and Independent Science Research, which have prepared me for my future educational aspirations. 虽然这些课程对我理解科学概念很有帮助, 在学生导师服务中心担任数学和科学导师是我在GA做过的最有意义的选择之一.
GA also offers various extracurricular activities that I’ve explored. As an advocate for community service and social change, I joined the Academy Scholars Program, which helped me to raise awareness for local veterans in need. 作为一名弦乐乐团的小提琴手,我也很幸运地追求着我对音乐的热爱. On the athletic front, I’ve been a part of the basketball, tennis, football, and squash teams during my time at GA.
As a member of the Class of 2023, 我将永远感激GA无尽的发现机会和终身友谊的礼物.
John Brightcliffe '27
Hi! I’m John, and I’m in 8th Grade. I came to GA in 5th Grade and the community immediately welcomed me.
我最喜欢GA的一点就是学生们有这么多的机会. I have participated in sports and clubs, meeting new people along the way. I am a part of CSO (Community Service Organization). 我们专注于帮助有需要的人,并做出善良的行为来照亮社区. I also play three sports at GA - football, basketball, and baseball. Sports give me an opportunity to compete and connect with others. 在运动方面,我遇到了很多朋友,从我的教练那里学到了很多东西.
在学校里,我不仅学习了学科知识,而且为高中做好了准备. For our homework, sometimes we learn different ways to take notes. 此外,我们被鼓励制定自己的学习指南,以准备小测验和考试.
In conclusion, GA伟大的社区让我感到受欢迎和包容,通过我们拥有的机会和优秀的老师.
Emma Polduka '27
Hi! My name is Emma and I’m an 8th grader at Germantown Academy. I joined GA in 6th grade during COVID-19. 在这段时间里,无论戴口罩还是保持社交距离,我都感到受到了社区的彻底欢迎. Since then the sense of unity has only gotten stronger.
成为八年级女生团体的一名领导者,让我有机会在我关心的问题上发挥领导作用. Sports are another way I can be a leader in my community, specifically, playing softball for Middle School. 运动和俱乐部帮助我结交了很多好朋友,也让我更积极地参与到改变世界的活动中来.
学习一直是我的首要任务,GA挑战并帮助我成为一个更坚定、更先进的学习者. 数学是我学习和努力的最大动力,英语和历史让我深入研究我感兴趣和兴趣的话题. 我迫不及待地想继续在这里创造回忆,我希望你能和我一起感到兴奋!
Neve M. '30
Hi! My name is Neve and I joined GA in 2nd Grade. When I first walked into the school, 我知道我会受到所有出色的保安和所有工作人员的欢迎和问候. Currently, I am in 5th Grade and it has been such an awesome experience. I absolutely love it!
我最喜欢GA的部分是老师和人们帮助和尊重孩子们惊人的项目和科目. Every day when I come to school, 我总是很兴奋地开始新的一天,看到每个人脸上都有那么多笑容. 此外,在所有的特别节目中,它不仅仅是课程——它是学习新东西的机会. 我喜欢这里所有的孩子都能得到他们需要的一切,在他们情绪低落的时候得到这么多的支持. Even in 5th Grade there will always be a teacher or friend to depend on. 这是一个美丽的校园,有令人惊叹的花园和池塘,还有很多野生动物,你可以听到和看到.
我很幸运能来到佐治亚大学,得到这所学校给予的帮助和支持. Whatever time I leave this outstanding school, 在我的房间和所有优秀的老师们有很多次告别. I always feel excited to come back the next day! GA is the most heartfelt school there can be!
Kaylin Trent '27
Hi! My name is Kaylin, and I'm in 8th grade. vwin德赢娱乐是一所伟大的学校,充满了美好的机会和令人惊叹的学生和员工. 每个学生都有各种各样的活动和俱乐部可供选择!
我对回馈社会很感兴趣,每个学生都可以通过加入社区服务组织来做到这一点。. CSO gives back to not just the GA community but the whole community. 我们一整年都在努力组织大量的筹款活动,和同学们一起工作真的很有趣. Another club I participate in is SGA (student government Association). During SGA we plan fun events during the school year. I love SGA because even if you're not president or vice president, your opinion is always heard and put into action.
The sports community at GA is amazing, I play Soccer and run track. 参加这些运动非常棒,我还交了一些非常好的朋友. 我喜欢每个运动队互相支持和他们的成就.
Germantown Academy is incredible, and what I shared is not even close to all of the reasons why I love GA. I always feel included and like my voice is heard. 所有的老师和学生都很好,我喜欢每天去学校.
Holden Jackson '27
Hi I’m Holden and I am in 8th Grade. Here are three things that I like about Germantown Academy. I came to GA when I was in 3rd Grade. I felt a part of the community immediately. 去年我参加了一个叫做社区服务组织的社团. They help others by donating meals for Thanksgiving, giving presents to people in need for the holidays, and they help raise money for Alex’s Lemonade Stand and Childhood Cancer.
Sports are a big part of my life and GA helps me develop that. I played soccer this past fall and made Middle School varsity. I’ll also play basketball and tennis later this year. 每个人都有一个团队,无论是大学代表队,少年代表队,第三队还是校内代表队.
My favorite thing about GA is the accepting community. They make sure new students feel welcome. 他们有一个项目叫“爱国者大使”,我参加了这个项目,允许在校学生接待潜在的学生, showing them around and introducing them to the campus and the other kids.
Keeran K. '30
Hi, I’m Keeran and I’m a 5th Grader at Germantown Academy. 我在PreK来到GA,从那时起我就很享受成为这样一个神奇社区的一员.
我最喜欢GA的是每天都充满了有趣的科目,比如科学, art, PE, CBO (choir/band/orchestra), and many more. Another thing about GA is how you have so many opportunities. I participate in sports and clubs. The club I like best is biking club, where we bike around the school. I also swim for GAAC (Germantown Academy Aquatic Club). Swimming gives me a chance to compete against my friends.
在学校里,老师和我的朋友们帮助我为中学做准备,使我更加独立. I know that math will be harder and everything is more challenging there. I am also excited about our new Health & Wellness Center. 我很幸运地看到这座新建筑拔地而起,我迫不及待地想要使用它.
Louisa H. '30
Hi! I’m Louisa and I am in 5th Grade. 我在二年级时来到GA,并立即受到社区的欢迎.
我最喜欢GA的一点是学生们有很多机会加入这些很棒的俱乐部. 例如,我在CSO(社区服务组织)和SGA(学生政府协会). I enjoy these clubs because they are student-led.
I really enjoy art. One of my projects that we are doing right now is creating a clay bust. My bust is going to be Donkey from Shrek. 我选择了驴子,因为他一直是我最喜欢的角色,他总是让我笑.
The thing I like best about 5th Grade is we get so much more freedom. 我们有门卡,我们可以自己去看特色菜,这意味着我们的老师信任我们.
My favorite part of the civility pledge is that we honor differences. I feel that our community does a good job of taking that seriously. GA is a very welcoming place for everybody - I love it here.