vwin德赢娱乐是在围绕着一个新国家诞生和成长的斗争中开始的. 钟楼和每学年开始的钟声已经成为延续和坚持的象征. 前两位“校长”,” James Dove and Hilarius Becker, had far different approaches to education. Dove held fast to the authority of the paddle and sarcasm; while Becker was almost “modern” in his style, using kindness and empathy to cajole his students into learning. Becker was much praised for his sensitive teaching style, and soon a one-Headmaster school was growing steady.
The bell was cast in England and brought over on the tea ship "Polly" in 1774. Because of the unrest in Philadelphia at that time, “波莉”转过身来, 货物完好无损, 返回英国. It was not until 1784 that the bell was returned and placed in the bell tower. 风向标, with its crown of England and copper ball, 英国士兵用火枪射击留下的伤疤证明了它在独立战争期间的存在. 在日耳曼敦战役期间,他们占领了该地区,并将学校建筑短暂地用作医院. 豪将军第三旅的部队在这里举行了美国的第一场板球比赛.
The second English Master in the school's history, Peletiah韦伯斯特, devoted much of his energy to improving the quality of education offered; at the same time he encouraged the board of managers to seek a charter from the state. The charter was granted in 1784 to the "Public School of Germantown," which remains the Academy's corporate title to the present day.
1793年的黄热病疫情使得乔治·华盛顿总统和他的内阁不得不离开费城,前往海拔更高的日耳曼敦. 在他居住期间, 他的内阁在学校开会, where he later enrolled his adopted son, 乔治·华盛顿·帕克·柯蒂斯, 作为一名学生.
As early as 1767 instruction for girls was proposed. In 1797 a second attempt was made to enroll girls. 1831年. 布朗森·奥尔科特, educator and father of Louisa May Alcott, was Master and 19 girls were registered at the Academy. 这项事业很快就终止了,在接下来的125年里,只有年轻人毕业. Head masters of great quality, such as Dr. William Kershaw who stayed at the helm for 38 years and Dr. 塞缪尔·E. 奥斯本工作了33年, were able to establish a tradition of academic excellence, and the school graduated men of dignity, 毅力, 和诚实.
作为美国殖民时期的一所学校,选择红色是很自然的, 白色, 和她的颜色一样蓝. 然而, 1875年,白色变成了黑色,以纪念被暗杀的亚伯拉罕·林肯总统和在战争中为国家服务的学院男孩. The colors remain red, black and 蓝色的 today.
1958年12月, one year before the bicentennial of the Academy, 董事会投票决定接受罗伯特·麦克莱恩在华盛顿堡160英亩起伏的草地和林地的提议. It was agreed that in order to serve the whole community, the Academy should enroll both boys and girls as had been done in earlier years. 在华盛顿堡,我们有机会建造建筑和运动场,容纳的学生人数是日耳曼敦的两倍多.
1965年9月, 通过受托人和学院之友的慷慨努力,从日耳曼敦搬到 华盛顿堡 已经完成.